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Teaching Kids to Let Go of Clutter declutter getting organized how to kids clutter let go sentimental clutter Sep 01, 2024

As parents, we face the challenge of helping our children declutter and let go of everything from toys and clothes to art and old school projects. While we might see removing these items as a necessary step to creating peaceful homes, it can be really hard for our children to detach from their items. There are, however, thoughtful approaches and strategies that will guide your children into building healthy decluttering habits. 

Kids Follow by Example 

Many parents realize the...

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Why Getting Permission to Let Go Works Aug 28, 2024

Letting go of clutter is more than just clearing out physical space; it's an emotional and psychological journey. Many people feel overwhelmed by the process, often experiencing anxiety, guilt, or a sense of loss. This is normal. But when a trusted person gives us permission to let go, the process becomes easier. This is because we often seek external validation and comfort in shared decision-making. 

The Role of Trust in Decluttering

Trust is crucial in helping us let go of sentimental...

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Understanding Your Clutter Threshold: The Key to a Peaceful Home communication declutter home organizing psychology routine tips Aug 09, 2024

Have you ever walked into your home and felt a wave of frustration, maybe even anger, wash over you—not just at the clutter, but perhaps at the person who left it there? This reaction might be more about your personal clutter threshold being crossed than the mess itself.

What is a Clutter Threshold?

Just as everyone has a different tolerance for physical pain, we all have unique thresholds for how much clutter we can handle before it starts to affect our well-being. Think of it like...

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A Home Maintenance Checklist for Homeowners checklist declutter decluttering home home maintenance maintenance outdoor maintenance overwhelm routine systems tips Jul 30, 2024

Staying on top of home maintenance is crucial, but can be tricky, and usually gets pushed to the bottom of our-to-do lists. This leads to a lot of small jobs, a big headache, and a hefty bill when inevitably a maintenance issue needs repair. A well-structured and comprehensive checklist serves as a great guide to stay ahead of tasks and know what needs to be done. As a professional organizer and declutter expert, there are 25 things I’ve found that clients should do to maintain their...

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How to Approach Home Organizing with ADHD apartment bedroom checklist closet declutter decluttering getting organized home organization organizing overwhelm Jul 26, 2024

For anyone who wants the short version, here it is:
1.     Break tasks down. can help with this.
2.     Set a 15-minute timer and clean one small area.
3.     Use colorful sticky notes to remind yourself of tasks.
4.     Do the most critical task first.
5.     Progress over perfection.
6.     Another person’s presence can help with motivation and focus.

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Mastering Small Spaces: 6 Practical Tips for Decluttering and Organizing Your Home apartment decluttering getting organized overwhelm small house small spaces tips Jul 01, 2024

Living in a small space can feel overwhelming, especially when clutter starts to pile up. Whether you’re in a small house, apartment, or any other compact living arrangement, it’s easy to feel like you’re drowning in stuff with nowhere to put it. However, there are practical solutions to keep your space organized and clutter-free. Here are some tangible tips to help you maximize your space and keep your home below your personal clutter threshold.

  1.  Declutter Regularly |...
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Why I follow the 20/10 decluttering method to save me time and frustration. declutter entryway home kitchen organization psychology routine Jun 07, 2024


Do you ever feel like you’re drowning in clutter but can’t find the time to get organized? The 20/10 method might just be the solution you need. The idea of tackling a disorganized house can be so overwhelming that it’s hard to know where to start. As things pile up, the clutter grows, making it tough to find anything and even tougher to stay motivated. If this sounds like your struggle, the 20/10 method is perfect for you.

An organized home saves you time, money, and...

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Creating the Ultimate Summer Drop Zone for Kids dropzone entrance kids cuttler organization summer systems Jun 01, 2024

Is your dropzone already an area of frustration? Summer is here, and with it comes the delightful chaos of kids coming and going, bringing with them an array of items from swimsuits to sports gear. As a professional organizer, I've seen firsthand the transformation that a well-designed drop zone can bring to a household. A drop zone is a dedicated area where kids can drop their belongings as they enter the house, keeping the rest of your home clutter-free. Here are some practical tips and...

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Why It's Easier to Help a Friend Organize Than to Tackle Your Own Clutter (and How to Beat Decision Fatigue) bedroom brain closet declutter psychology May 19, 2024

Ever notice how it's way easier to help a friend organize their house than to deal with your own mess? That's decision fatigue at play. But don’t worry, I've got some practical tips to help you power through those tasks at home!

What is Decision Fatigue?

Decision fatigue is when making too many choices wears down your mental energy. By the end of the day, even simple decisions, like which Tupperware lids to keep, feel overwhelming. It's like your brain just wants to shut down and avoid...

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Breaking Free from "Just in Case" Embracing a Clutter-Free Office May 01, 2024

Do you often find yourself holding onto items "just in case" you might need them later? This common behavior can be traced back to various psychological reasons such as fear of scarcity, sentimental attachments, or a belief in potential future use. Despite rarely using these items, the thought persists: "Maybe I better keep this, just in case."

Many of us have inherited this mindset from our upbringing, especially in households where resources were scarce and everything was kept. You might...

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Decluttering with heart: Honouring memories without the clutter Apr 21, 2024

Letting go as a gain not a loss.

If you’re overwhelmed by the piles of sentimental items in your home, you're not alone. Many of us struggle with the guilt and obligation of parting with gifts from loved ones or family heirlooms. However, it’s crucial to remember that true memories and affection are not housed in these objects but within our experiences and relationships.

Understanding Emotional Attachments

It's natural to feel a strong emotional attachment to items given to us by...

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The Science of Sleep: How Decluttering Your Bedroom Can Lead to Better Rest Apr 18, 2024


As a mom, parent, daughter and full-time (often exhausted) professional organizer, I've observed firsthand the transformative power of a well-organized environment on mental and physical health. One of the most impactful places to start is where we begin and end our day: the bedroom. The connection between a clutter-free bedroom and improved sleep quality is not only intuitive but is also supported by scientific research.

The Psychological Impact of Clutter

Clutter, by its very nature,...

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Decluttering: How to step out of your own way and gain your life back Apr 14, 2024

Are you tired of feeling like your home is just a storage unit for all the "just in case" items you've accumulated over the years? It's time to step out of your own way and get what you really want: more space, more time, and more peace of mind.

Clutter has a sneaky way of stealing our joy and the life we imagined when we first welcomed these items into our homes. It overwhelms us, shames us, exhausts us, and loads us with guilt. But why does it have such power over us? Because clutter is...

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When clutter clashes: Navigating the messy intersection of relationships and decluttering Apr 07, 2024

Are you feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, or even angry because your partner won’t help you declutter?

You're not alone. I’ve seen firsthand how clutter can strain relationships, affecting mental, physical, and financial health. Let’s explore the costs of clutter and how you can work with your partner to find a path through the mess.

The cost of clutter


Clutter isn’t just physical; it’s psychological. Living in a cluttered space can significantly...

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