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Love your kitchen & pantry!

The Kitchen & Pantry Course

with Megan Golightly

Self-paced Online Course
Four Sessions | 
23 Video Modules Packed with Pro Tips and Secrets

Learn to love your kitchen!

The Kitchen Course

with Megan Golightly

Self-paced Online Course
Four Sessions | 
23 Modules
23 Video Modules
Pro Tips & Secrets

Get started today!

$129 CAD

Online Course


 Introducing "The Kitchen & Pantry Course," a comprehensive, self-guided program presented by professional organizer and Simplified founder Megan Golightly. This online course features 23 video modules packed with pro tips and secrets to help you transform your kitchen and your pantry into efficient, clutter-free spaces. Megan guides you step-by-step, sharing practical organization techniques, innovative storage solutions, and maintenance strategies to ensure your kitchen remains functional and fun. Embrace the ease of meal preparation and daily routines in a well-organized kitchen. Say goodbye to chaos and clutter, and welcome the freedom and tranquility that come with a beautifully organized kitchen!


What's Included?


Learn effective techniques for decluttering your kitchen and pantry, helping you decide what to keep, donate, or discard. Clear out the chaos and make space for what truly matters.


Discover how to set up and maintain organizational systems tailored to your kitchen's unique layout, ensuring everything has a designated place for easy access and tidiness.


Get tips on maximizing your kitchen and pantry storage, from utilizing vertical space to choosing the right containers and organizers. Make the most of every inch of your kitchen.


Learn practical strategies for keeping your kitchen and pantry organized and clutter-free long-term. Develop habits and routines that will help you maintain order effortlessly.


Gain insider knowledge and professional secrets from Megan Golightly, including her favorite tools and products, to enhance your kitchen's functionality and aesthetic.

I can help you.

As a professional organizer with 16 years of hands-on experience, I know these strategies work. I know you will take the practical tools I am giving you and set up new systems that will transform your home. I've inspired and coached thousands of people to shift their perspectives and not feel frustrated. My goal is to help you restore the lost time, money, space, and mental energy that comes with a disorganized home.

"When our projects were completed (there have been a few now), I felt that I could exhale and truly enjoy my home in a relaxed manner. I was provided with a plan to tackle "stuff" as it arose without a dreaded sense of being overwhelmed with the chore and task of cleaning up all the time. The feeling of 'overwhelm' from closets and cabinets was no longer on my mind. I felt empowered through the experience, and a new confidence to let go with ease."

– Mandy Smith-Haber

Does this sound familiar? 
If so, then this course is for you!

"I have no idea where to start."

"I can never find the things I am looking for."

"I spend money buying things I already have."

"I am always telling myself I should get this done, but I never do."

"I feel like it is going to take so much time, that I don't even want to start."

 "I am tired of the family blame and fights over lost things."

"I feel anxious every-time I am in my kitchen."

"I wanna have friends over, but I am too embarrassed."

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