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Spring organizing checklist

Spring Organization Checklist

bedroom car checklist closet entryway garage spring Mar 31, 2023

By Megan Golightly | Read time: 2 min


The winter grime and all sorts of items find their way into the garage with no site out. Open the garage door, turn on some music, and get started decluttering. The more things you have on the ground, the harder it is to use the space you have. Try some wall organization, linked here. Cabinets are great in a garage, too; make sure they are easy to open up and see what you have. Don't let the cabinets turn into a place to shove things. Out of sight is not out of mind! 

If you are overwhelmed, set a goal for yourself- "today, I will make decisions on 15 things." I promise you will not regret making decisions. If it isn't a strong "yes," then it should be gone.  If it's a "keep," then make a permanent home/ town for that item.   


Run your car through the car wash and complete the FREE April Challenge. Sign up to join the challenge here. You can do this with my help which is outlined in the challenge. Bonus, there are prizes up for grabs!


Time to go through all the shoes, coats, and hats collected here over the winter. I like to keep a bin for all hats and gloves to live in when it isn't winter. You can still store these in the mudroom or coat closet, but having them in a basket makes them easy to find when winter rolls around next year.  

I recommend using the same bin or basket for both seasons. When spring arrives, put the winter items into the bin and put it away or up high. Label one end of the bin "summer" and the other "winter." Swap it around each season. This is my favourite label maker that is easy to use and easy to remove labels when you want to switch them up.  


Look at the clothes you have hanging in your closet and the drawers. Ask yourself, what did you not wear this season? Sweaters, dresses, pants, and more can pile up. If you don't like it now, you will not love it next winter; help those items find a new home by donating them. Here is a link to my storefront for some closet organization must-haves, Canada Storefront + US Storefront.

Bedroom Refresh

Grab a clean set of sheets and freshen up your bed. Nothing is better after a day full of organizing than to come to a clean bed at night.  Next, open those nightstand drawers and toss out what is trash. A quick dust and vacuum next will make the space feel refreshed and ready for you after a full day of spring organization. Everything that can help you get your bedroom in order can be found here, Canada Storefront + US Storefront.

Megan Golightly, Professional Organizer and Founder of GoSimplifed

Known for her popular Instagram handle @gosimplified, Megan Golightly has been inspiring people to declutter, organize, and simplify their lives since 2008. Megan and her dedicated team tackle organizing projects of all sizes, transforming homes and empowering families along the way. With a background in psychology and a keen interest in neuroscience, her innovative tips, practical guides, and impressive before-and-after transformations have captivated an online community of hundreds of thousands of followers, all eager to embrace a simpler, more organized life.

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